[Air-L] VII World Congress of Computer Law / VII Congreso Mundial de Derecho Informatico

Erick Iriarte Ahon eiriarte at alfa-redi.org
Sun Sep 30 13:25:07 PDT 2007

Note: Please distribute this information and apologies cross-posting

VII World Congress of Computer Law / VII Congreso Mundial de Derecho 
When: 3-7 December 2007
Where: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Steering Committee: University of Puerto Rico / Puerto Rico Bar 
Association / Inter American University of Puerto Rico / Alfa-Redi
Website: http://www.alfa-redi.com/viicongress/

About Congress:

The Puerto Rico Bar Association, the School Of Law of University of 
Puerto Rico, the  Inter American University of Puerto Rico and 
Alfa-Redi, cordially invite you to the VII World Congress on Cyber 
Law to be held from December 3 to December 7 in the city of San Juan, 
Puerto Rico.  The VII World Congress on Cyber Law is a continuation 
of the worldwide congresses held in the cities of Quito (Ecuador), 
Madrid (Spain), Havana (Cuba), Cusco (Peru), Santo Domingo (Dominican 
Republic) y Edinburgh (United Kingdom).

These congresses have been the starting point of new proposals, the 
development of laws adopted in several countries, and laws that were 
welcomed as guidelines by different decision-making public and 
private organizations involved in the area of new technologies and 
the development of the information society. These international 
events are directed towards academic, regional and international 
stakeholders, government employees, and individuals representing 
organizations from the Civil Society involved in the processes 
related to Policies and Regulatory Framework of the Information 
Society at a regional and international level.

These spaces of dialogue are evoked to promote encounter, discussion 
and proposal developing in diverse topics of the Information Society, 
as can be shown in the different Web pages of past Congresses.

The subjects raised for this congress are:

1.	Privacy and Personal Data Protection
2.	E-Governance
3.	Information and Communication Technologies in the Information Society
4.	E-Commerce and Cyber-banking
5.	Virtual Worlds
6.	Copyrights and Intellectual Property
7.	E-gaming

Given the global, international and transforming nature of the 
thematic relationship among policies and the regulatory framework of 
the information society, we consider of utmost importance the 
participation of international experts to provide a perspective to 
the participants of the event who will be able to make comparisons 
with their own experience, emphasizing on the harmonization processes 
that have been promoted by diverse international organizations.

This Congress will include workshops which will be imparted by 
international organizations interested in delivering lectures on 
specific subjects.  These workshops will have a duration of one to 
two hours, being held during the first two days of the Congress, 
concerning issues such as Privacy and eGovernment, FTAs and 
Information Society, Licensing models of contents, Playing games in 
the net and  E-commerce, realities and perspectives.  If your 
organization is interested in delivering a lecture on any of the 
above mentioned subjects, please contact us.

More Information:
Website: http://www.alfa-redi.com/viicongress/

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