[Air-L] Call for proposals DOCAM '08 March 28-29, 2008 Madison, Wisconsin

Niels Windfeld Lund Niels.Windfeld.Lund at hum.uit.no
Wed Sep 26 02:22:35 PDT 2007

The Document Academy Invites:



March 28-29, 2008

University of Wisconsin-Madison
School of Library and Information Studies
Madison, Wisconsin USA

DOCAM ’08 is the fifth annual meeting of the Document Academy, an
international network of scholars, artists and professionals in various
fields interested in the exploration of the document as a useful
approach, concept and tool in Sciences, Arts, Business, and Society.

The aim of The Document Academy is to create an interdisciplinary space
for experimental and critical research on documents in a wide sense,
drawing on traditions and experiences around the world. It originated as
a co-sponsored effort by The Program of Documentation Studies,
University of Tromso, Norway and the School of Information, University
of California, Berkeley. For 2008, the University of Wisconsin-Madison
School of Library and Information Studies will be hosting the meeting.

The conference will run from 9 AM Friday, March 28, to 5 PM Saturday,
March 29. In order to keep the open-ended discussion atmosphere of
previous DOCAMs alive along with a growing number of participants, we
have decided to have only plenary sessions and a relatively limited, but
well-selected number of presentations.

Call for proposals:

Scholars, developers, artists and practitioners working with document
research and development are invited to submit proposals for full and
short papers for plenary sessions and exhibits by December 1, 2007.

Full papers (6,000-7,500 words) for plenary sessions will address these

- DOCUMENT THEORY (general issues)
- DOCUMENT ANALYSIS (case-studies and methodological issues)

Short papers (2,400-3,600 words) for plenary sessions will focus on

- DOCUMENT RESEARCH (theory, methods, case-studies)

Each author or group of authors of FULL papers will have 45 minutes for
their presentation, including discussion; authors or groups presenting
SHORT papers will be allotted 30 minutes. The order of presentations
will be arranged according to themes as much as possible.

Conference language is English. Conference organizers can provide an LCD
projector; other equipment is the responsibility of the presenter.

All proposals must include:


- a short (500 words) verbal description of the work to be presented
- Explanation of how the work will be presented (verbal presentation,
PowerPoint, video, performance, etc.; and any equipment needs)

*Names of all contributors,
*Addresses, including email contacts and
*Up to 5 keywords

Proposals should be submitted electronically to Catherine Arnott Smith
at the School of Library and Information Studies, University of
Wisconsin-Madison (casmith24 at wisc.edu). Please include “DOCAM 2008” in
the subject line of all correspondence, including proposal submission.
File format: RTF or PDF

Submission deadline for proposals: 11:59 PM, December 1st, 2007

Receipt will be confirmed within one week. Decisions will be announced
no later than January 15, 2008.

Final deadline for accepted full papers: 11:59 PM, March 1st, 2008.

For more information contact the co-chairs of Docam 2008:

Catherine Arnott Smith, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
600 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53706

(608) 890-1334
fax: (608) 263-4849
casmith24 at wisc.edu

Prof. Niels Windfeld Lund
Documentation Studies
University of Tromsø
NO-9037 Tromsø, Norge

Tel: +47- 776 46284
niels.windfeld.lund at hum.uit.no

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