[Air-L] effect of Internet on paper consumption?

McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr. mclauglm at muohio.edu
Sun Sep 30 13:55:35 PDT 2007

You might want to look at the report by Earthtrends: http://earthtrends.wri.org/features/view_feature.php?theme=6&fid=19. Also, particularly at universities which have Wood and Paper Sciences departments, library holdings will include reports of paper industry statistics, some of which are likely to provide information relevant to your project. See, for example, the "Paper Industry Statistics" section at http://www.library.umaine.edu/science/paper.htm#STATISTICS.

In general, reports appear to suggest that paper consumption has increased over time, with the rise in computer use. Meanwhile, reduction of paper consumption has become a major goal of "corporate citizenship" efforts of IT companies like Dell and Sun Microsystems--one of those "environmentally friendly" initiatives.


Lisa McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Mass Communication & Women's Studies
Editor, Feminist Media Studies
Director of Graduate Studies, Master of Arts in Mass Communication Program

Mass Communication
Williams Hall
Miami University-Ohio
Oxford, OH 45056
Tele: +1 513 529 3547
Fax: +1 513 529 1835
E-mail: mclauglm at muohio.edu
From: air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org [air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org] On Behalf Of Hang Ryeol Na [nhr24 at hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 9:34 PM
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: [Air-L] effect of Internet on paper consumption?

Dear all,

I am preparing to write a paper about the effect of internet commerce on paper consumption in terms of sustainable development.
As there has been a lot of debate on whether the internet decreased or increased paper consumption, for example, paperless office, online bill and payment, etc. I am interested in what factors contributed to the increase and what others to the decrease.

Do you have any information, or can you provide any resource of the data showing the effect of internet on paper consumption?

If there are any statistics of companies which saved the cost by, for example, making the customers move from the traditional paper bill to online bill, it would be great. It would be even greater if any analysis is available of what made or did not make it possible to save the cost in such a way. I need to understand why there are both success and failure in such cases. My focus is on how to decrease the paper consumption with internet, or, whether it is feasible or not.

Thanks for your consideration.


Hang Ryeol Na

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