[Air-L] using chat in social welfare (youth)

Mestdagh Chris Chris.Mestdagh at howest.be
Wed Sep 5 12:25:04 PDT 2007


I am starting research in the use of chat in social welfare for youth. I
am looking for a conceptual framework fo online social work towards the
social integration of young people. 

Main question is what the determinants are for qualitative online
(youth) social work.

Does anyone know of any publications regarding the use of chat in social
welfare (or therapy)? Or even better any academic discussions?

I already have some publications (mainly from Holland en some froms US),
but they are very few. So, all suggestions are welcome!

Thank you for your contributions...

Kind regards,
Chris Mestdagh

Chris Mestdagh
Researcher HOWEST - UGent

VZW SOVOWES - Studentenvoorzieningen Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen
HOWEST - Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen

Web: www.sovowes.be  - www.kotwest.be  - www.howest.be - www.ugent.be 

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org
[mailto:air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org] Namens Ellis Godard
Verzonden: woensdag 5 september 2007 20:48
Aan: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Onderwerp: [Air-L] Show me the way

Mapquest has never done me wrong. But the tools exist to do better. I
shouldn't have to turn on the overhead light (mine doesn't work, so I
headlights behind me) to read a line of text. I want my cell phone, GPS
device, or in-car navigation system (okay, yours; I don't have
one...yet) to
SHOW me the directions - 3-8 second MPEGS showing the approach for each
turn, and the turn itself; important landmarks; interesting sights/sites
along the way... 

This probably already exists in some form of which I'm oblivious -
in development in some lab, or already on the cover of some magazine I
read. If not, what would it take? Geo-coded youtube pages? Clips on
Maps, integrated with Google's directions? What tool would gather the
and put them in a playlist for my phone (or navigation system or in-lens
display or back-of-neck port)? Show me the way...


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