[Air-L] digital literacy takes a field trip to a farm

David M Silver dmsilver at usfca.edu
Thu Apr 24 09:51:27 PDT 2008

good morning aoir people!

i'm always a bit reluctant to post messages about teaching to this list.
list members like barry wellman usually respond with a hissy fit, noting
how we are the association of internet *researchers*, rather than
*teachers* - as if the two aren't totally related.

anyways, i'd like to share a post i wrote about a recent four-day field
trip my students and i in digital literacy took to an organic farm in
humboldt county. for the last few months, we've been focusing on logging
on and being creative and collaborative. for this trip, however, we
focused on logging off and being creative and collaborative. i tried to
gather my reflections, as well as those of my seven students, and posted
them here:


i am curious to learn whether other people on this list use exercises
that encourage students to log off rather than log on. if so, what do
you do and how do you students respond? please share your classroom
exercises with the list!

david silver

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