[Air-L] survey creation tools or sites?

Albert Greinoecker albert.greinoecker at uibk.ac.at
Wed Apr 2 10:39:02 PDT 2008


I take this opportunity to point at a survey software I developed as
part of my thesis. It is released as open source, so it can be
installed, modified, and used for free.
There is also a running instance at http://www.survey4all.org where one
can apply for an account for free to take a closer look and run surveys.
It comes with a comfortable online-HTML-Editor and can handle most of
the common tasks necessary for running surveys.

To get an impression of the ability of the software, take a look at the
poster presentation held at the General Online Research Conference this


Am Mittwoch, den 02.04.2008, 10:02 -0700 schrieb Kimberly De Vries:
> Hello all,
> I'm getting ready to create a survey and would like to hear from those that
> have some experience using sites/tools like Survey Monkey, Zoomerang, etc..
> Which of these kinds of tools do you think are best and, are there any
> decent free, ideally open source, versions out there?
> Thanks!
> Kim De Vries

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