[Air-L] Open-What?

Barry Saunders b.saunders at qut.edu.au
Sat Feb 9 21:20:06 PST 2008

>> 5. I was at a conference last week at which a frequent blogger was often
>> quoted as the authority, although I think this blogger has had at most one
>> refereed article published. "Have you checked on the validity of [this
>> blogger's] assertions?" I asked. "Well now, we just assumed," was the
>> answer. Is this any way to build a discipline?

>Is ignoring someone because they don't adhere to the antiquated rituals
>any way to build a discipline?

Depends on the field. In medicine, certainly. Engaging with the antiquated rituals of the field is, for the most part, how you filter cranks from experts.
Creationists are a good example - lots of blogging, no refereed articles.

That's not to say a prolific blogger can't be an expert, but they should also be able to do refereed articles. It's a pretty good litmus test.


Barry Saunders
PhD Candidate // researcher
ph: +617 3138 0155
skype: barry_saunders
CRICOS No. 00213J

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