[Air-L] Vol 2, International Journal of Internet Science

Ulf-Dietrich Reips ureips at genpsy.unizh.ch
Fri Jan 11 08:06:57 PST 2008

Dear colleague:

we would like to announce the newest issue (Vol. 
2) of the International Journal of Internet 
Science that appeared in December: 

The current issue features five original research 
contributions in the field of Internet science, 
and one book review. The specific areas covered 
by the articles are gender and the Internet, 
virtual teams, the Internet and political 
participation, web surveys, and web-mail 
mixed-mode surveys. In addition, Mark Griffiths 
reviews the Oxford Handbook of Internet 
Psychology (2007).

International Journal of Internet Science Volume 2, Issue 1 (2007)

Ulf-Dietrich Reips & Uwe Matzat:
Web 2.0, Internet 2.1? (Editorial)


Ursula Szillis & Dagmar Stahlberg:
The Face-ism Effect in the Internet: Differences 
in Facial Prominence of Women and Men

Marion Wittchen, Daniel Schlereth & Guido Hertel:
Social Indispensability in Spite of Temporal and 
Spatial Separation: Motivation Gains in a 
Sequential Task During Anonymous Cooperation on 
the Internet

Eulàlia Puig-i-Abril & Hernando Rojas:
Being Early on the Curve: Online Practices and 
Expressive Political Participation

Sabina B. Gesell, Maxwell Drain, Paul A. Clark & Michael P. Sullivan:
Test of a Web and Paper Employee Satisfaction 
Survey: Comparison of Respondents and 

Tse-Hua Shih & Xitao Fan:
Response Rates and Mode Preferences in Web-Mail 
Mixed-Mode Surveys: A Meta-Analysis

Book Review

Mark D. Griffiths:
Internet Psychology, a Very Personal Reflection: 
The Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology

Please find the issue at http://ijis.net

The International Journal of Internet Science 
(IJIS) provides an interdisciplinary outlet for 
high quality research articles on the Internet as 
a medium of research and on the social 
implications of the Internet. IJIS is a peer 
reviewed open access journal for empirical 
findings, methodology, and theory of social and 
behavioral science concerning the Internet and 
its implications for individuals, social groups, 
organizations, and society.

Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts that are to be published in the 
International Journal of Internet Science (IJIS) 
need to be original research contributions. They 
have to be formatted according to the Publication 
Manual of the American Psychological Association 
(APA Style Guide, 5th edition). Please visit 
http://ijis.net and click on "Submit Article" for 
the online submission of manuscripts. All 
manuscripts that are eligible for publication 
will be peer-reviewed within a few weeks.

Ulf-Dietrich Reips (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Uwe Matzat (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Editorial Board
Michael Birnbaum (California State University at Fullerton, USA)
Tom Buchanan (Westminster University, UK)
Don Dillman (Washington State University, USA)
Frank Faulbaum (University Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Adam Joinson (University of Bath, UK)
Chris Snijders (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Barry Wellman (University of Toronto, Canada)

Kind regards,
Ulf-Dietrich Reips / Uwe Matzat
International Journal of Internet Science http://ijis.net

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