[Air-L] CfP: Security and Privacy Issues in Mobile Phone Use (Pervasive 2008)

Marcus Foth m.foth at qut.edu.au
Mon Jan 28 15:24:17 PST 2008

1st Intl. Workshop on Security and Privacy Issues in Mobile Phone Use
                      (SPMU'08) - Call for Papers

Sydney, Australia

*Important Dates*

*EXTENDED* Submission Deadline: February 8, 2008
Notification to Authors: February 29, 2008
Camera-Ready Papers: March, 21 2008
Workshop: May 19, 2008


The mobile phone has become the most widely deployed computing  
platform in
the world. Analysts predict some 2.6 billion mobile phones in regular  
by 2009, with the sales of smartphones representing the fastest growing
market [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4697405.stm]. For many
people, the mobile phone is the first computer they encounter, and
certainly they only computer they carry with them most of their waking

Mobile computers in general, and mobile phones in particular, present
unique challenges not only in terms of user interface, battery life, and
form factor, but also in terms of ensuring their users' privacy and
security. Emerging mobile payment and ticketing solutions require the
secure transmission and storage of financial information, while  
health records or access certificates/tokens might imply the use of  
sensitive personal information on such devices. Wireless connectivity  
as WiFi, Bluetooth, or NFC facilitates decentralized tracking, while
content sharing applications and collaborative games enable unobtrusive
social data mining. Providing security for such wireless  
communication is a
general problem, further complicated by the fact that there is hardly  
any a
priori information about potential communication partners.

This workshops aims at bringing together researchers interested in
exploring security and privacy issues in mobile phone usage -- not
only on a platform level, but on both the physical and social network  
as well. Topics of interests are, e.g.,

     * Secure payment/ticketing systems using mobile phones
     * Secure authentication mechanisms for mobile phone, both for
       authenticating users to phones and phone to other devices
     * Security and privacy issues in mobile phone networks
     * Usability issues in mobile phone security and privacy solutions
     * Public perception of security and privacy issues of mobile phones
     * Digital rights management on mobile phones
     * Legal and social issues of security and privacy for mobile phones
     * Options for lawful, auditable, and restricted tracking and
       surveillance using mobile phones in law enforcement


We welcome both short position papers (1-2 pages) and full workshop
submissions (8 pages in LNCS format). Full papers will be published  
in the
Pervasive 2008 Workshops Proceedings as well as online and distributed
electronically at the conference, and authors will be given a  
slot in the workshop. Authors of position papers will be invited to join
the workshop, but will receive no presentation slot. Full submissions  
be peer-reviewed by program committee members and expert reviewers  
and will
be selected according to their significance to the scope of the  
their quality of presentation and their ability to stimulate  
Up to 15 full submissions can be accepted, and workshop attendance  
will be
limited to 30 participants.

Contributions must be sent by email to <spmu08 at lists.inf.ethz.ch> by
January 25, 2008 and should be in PDF format.

*Organizing Committee*

Rene Mayrhofer (Lancaster University, UK)
Marc Langheinrich (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Alexander De Luca (LMU Munich, Germany)

Alexander De Luca

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
LFE Medieninformatik
Amalienstr. 17
D-80333 München
Fon +49-89-2180-4688
Fax +49-89-2180-4652
Skype: Alexander De Luca

alexander.de.luca at ifi.lmu.de

Dr Marcus Foth
Australian Postdoctoral Fellow

Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation
Queensland University of Technology (CRICOS No. 00213J)
Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane QLD 4059, Australia
Phone +61 7 313 x88772 - Fax x88195 - Office Z6-511
m.foth at qut.edu.au - http://www.vrolik.de/publications/

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