[Air-L] Online social networks for scientists

David Brake d.r.brake at lse.ac.uk
Wed Jan 30 03:01:40 PST 2008

I know this comes a little late but in reference to a press release  
posted here earlier...

>  BioMedExperts (http://www.biomedexperts.com) -- the first
> online social network of its kind to improve collaboration among
> researchers and therefore advance medical science.

I think that Nature's network http://network.nature.com/ probably has  
a better claim to this title (cheeky since I am sure the people behind  
biomedexperts knew about it).

It tends to be hard science dominated (as you might expect) but might  
be worth a look for some of us either to use it or to study it.
David Brake, Doctoral Student in Media and Communications, London  
School of Economics & Political Science
Also see http://davidbrake.org/ (home page), http://blog.org/  
(personal weblog) and http://get.to/lseblog (academic groupblog)
callto://DavidBrake (Skype.com's Instant Messenger and net phone)

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