[Air-L] Religious Dimension of Sustainable Development

Luis Gutierrez LTG214B at verizon.net
Wed Jan 9 18:12:36 PST 2008

> Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 09:37:45 +1100 From: Jonathan Marshall
> <Jonathan.Marshall at uts.edu.au> Subject: Re: [Air-L] Religious
> Dimension of Sustainable Development To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org 
> Message-ID: <f523dac4bd56b.478495e9 at uts.edu.au> Content-Type:
> text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hello Jon and everyone,

Apologies for posting this to the list without further clarification. My 
intent was simply to inquire if there is anyone in the AOIR who is doing 
internet research on religious factors in sustainable development.

I am the editor of the e-newsletter.  As we all know, religion is a 
complex and controversial topic.  I use "religion" in the general sense 
of a personal relationship with God by anyone who believes (as I do) 
that there is a God.  There are many religious traditions and many ways 
to be "religious."  Spirituality may be a better term to use.  My lack 
of clarity about what "religion" simply reflects the difficulty of 
finding any consensus on what it means precisely for each person.

There is "religion" (or "spirituality") and there are religious 
traditions that eventually become "religious institutions."  My thesis 
is simply that these religious institutions have enormous influence on 
many people, and such influence should be taken into account when 
planning, monitoring, and evaluating international development projects 
such as the UN "Millennium Development Goals."  But I cannot find 
evidence that it is actually taken into account in any systematic 
manner, and I was hoping someone here can point me to internet resources 
on "religion & sustainable development."

With this, I have already told you more than I know.  Again, please 
accept my apology for posting this to the listserv without adequate 
explanation.  Hope we agree that ignorance is not a good excuse to 
refrain from asking honest questions.

Jon, or anyone who thinks you can help me, please contact me off-list.

Best wishes for a good 2008,
LTG214B at verizon.net

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