[Air-L] Permission to quote air-l list

Conor Schaefer conor.schaefer at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 13:53:15 PST 2008

It is proper to remind those on this list that they will be quoted for 
two reasons: 1) to compliment them and inform them that their comments 
will in fact be quoted and 2) to honor the integrity of their input and 
respect their contribution by asking whether it is OK to quote reproduce 
their statements (this encourages future contributions perhaps more than 
the first point, which is more professional, rather than personal).

I don't believe that "much of the Internet resembles face-to-face 
communication." Web 2.0 in fact rests on eschewing that paradigm, I 
think, reminding people that they are coming together for public 
discourse, not private. Perhaps in the early days of Usenet, 
communication was still private, but these days individuals gather 
around digital places online, domains known to certain circles, open to 
the world, regardless of whether viewers have registered with the 
service. I call "private" what can't easily be traced by higher powers 
to me. I call "public" what can be traced to me without my consent, and 
thus, if I were a conspiracy theorist, I would watch my tongue in the 
coffee shop and not in the woods, when conversing with a good friend of 

This forum is designed in a way, let's be honest, to propel our own 
ideas outward, through others, into perpetuity. I don't think anyone 
Internet-savvy enough to be on this listserv needs to be reminded that 
many others can and perhaps will view their comments. I do think, 
however, that at list a few people here would get satisfaction from 
being asked whether their comments may be republished.

There are instances when I think certain individuals operate under the 
assumption that communicating digitally through unsecured means is 
"private." I don't think anyone on this listserv subscribes to that 

Christian Nelson wrote:
> On Jan 18, 2008, at 12:08 PM, Alex Halavais wrote:
>>  While I think it may be a nice gesture to ask an author's  
>> permission before quoting them, those posting to the list should  
>> recognize that it is a public forum, and the things written here  
>> are published to the world.
> Perhaps this quote is the most useful for supporting Pam's thesis  
> (one I've been working on, too) that much of the Internet resembles  
> face-to-face communication. Why else would Internet researchers have  
> to be reminded that posting emails is a form of publication unless,  
> of course, Internet posting is so pervasively considered to be  
> something other than publishing--e.g., f2f communication.
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