[Air-L] CFP:Mobile Web for Social and Economic Development at the mLIfe 2008
I. Kushchu
ik at mgovernment.org
Tue Jul 1 10:21:50 PDT 2008
Call for Papers
Mobile Web for Social and Economic Development
A Special Session at the
-- mSOCIETY 2008 -- The 1st International Conference on Mobile Society
-- EURO mGOV 2008 -- The 3rd European Conference on Mobile Government
15 -19 September 2008, Sheraton Voyager, Antalya, Turkey
http://www.mgovernment.org/events/index.html mlife at mgovernment.org
Stephane Boyera
Head of the Mobile Web for Social Development group, W3C
Session Description:
This session aims at exploring the potential of Mobile Technologies
to foster social and
economic development. It is a small inter-disciplinary forum
gathering web experts, mobile
experts, academics from developed and developing regions, NGOs and
civil society
representatives with field experience and expertise to identify the
key issues of exploiting
mobile phones and other mobile devices as an ICT-platform. Among the
issues, the session
will particularly be focusing on
- technical issues related to specific types of applications (m-
health, mEducation, ...)
- technical issues related to the mean of deployment (sms, voice,
- technical issues related to accessibility for illiterate people
- Social issues: how to capture the real needs from the targeted
populations, how to have a
bottom-up approach that will integrate NGOs into international
organization agenda and work
- Social issues related to empowerment: how to enable local people to
master the technology
to develop and deploy the applications they need, how to leverage
local content and
applications development
- Social issues related to sustainability, entrepreneurship,
Submissions in the form of research papers (max 10 pages) and
practice talks (max 1 page)
are solicited via the conferences online submission system at the
Further information on submissions and all about the conferences can
be found at
For all enquiries please write to the session chairs:
stephane at w3.org or the conference
secreteria mlife at mgovernment.org
Associate Professor and Director,
Mobile Government Consortium International, UK
ik at mgovernment.org
+44 1273 777853
== please visit mLife events www.mgovernment.org/events/
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