[Air-L] Action Research and New Media: Concepts, Methods and Cases

Marcus Foth m.foth at qut.edu.au
Wed Jul 16 00:40:16 PDT 2008

Pre-publication announcement

Hearn, G., Tacchi, J., Foth, M., & Lennie, J. (2008, in press). Action  
Research and New Media: Concepts, Methods and Cases. Cresskill, NJ:  
Hampton Press. With a foreword by Douglas Schuler.

Action research is now a well-documented and well-accepted research  
methodology. Moreover, it is especially appropriate in new media  
research, where innovation and change are continual, and where  
processes and outcomes are usually not predictable and often involve  
fuzzy and subjective human elements. This book offers a systematic, in- 
depth academic overview of the application of action research methods  
to the field of new media. In this space, it is the first publication  
of its kind in what is a new but rapidly growing field.

This book is divided into three sections. Introducing the two key  
concepts, namely, new media and action research, the first section  
describes the underlying principles, processes, questions, methods and  
tools that are relevant to an action research approach to new media  
inquiry. This is followed by a deeper exploration of three advanced,  
innovative approaches to action research and new media: ethnographic,  
network, and anticipatory action research. The third and final section  
presents four case studies and their individual applications of action  
research in different new media contexts.

Scheduled to be released in August 2008. Table of contents and further  
information at:

If you are interested in this book, we'd appreciate it very much if  
you could please ask your liaison librarian to place a pre-publication  
order with their preferred distributor. Thank you!

ISBN 978-1-57273-866-9 (hard bound)
ISBN 978-1-57273-867-6 (paper bound)

Best Regards,

Dr Marcus Foth
Australian Postdoctoral Fellow

Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation
Queensland University of Technology (CRICOS No. 00213J)
Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane QLD 4059, Australia
Phone +61 7 313 x88772 - Fax x88195 - Office Z6-511
m.foth at qut.edu.au - http://www.vrolik.de/publications/

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