[Air-L] _The Student as Scholar: Undergraduate Research and Creative Practice_

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Tue Jul 22 15:03:20 PDT 2008


In my review of  literature relevant to my proposed "Disruptive
Scholarship" model that I presented at the recent International
Plagiarism Conference in Newcastle, UK ("Disruptive Scholarship: An Idea
Whose Time Has Come: (Re)Use / (Re)Mix / (Re)New" [
http://tinyurl.com/47gwc9 ], I learned of A Most Important 
Conference "The Student as Scholar: Undergraduate Research and Creative
Practice" sponsored by the American Association of Colleges and
Universities (AACU) in April 2007:

"300 faculty and administrators gathered in Long Beach, California on
April 19-21, 2007 for a conference focused on integrating research and
scholarship into the undergraduate experience with the goal of expanding
and deepening learning for all students. Conference sessions explored
developmental models, research and assessment of student learning, and
examples of campus practice."

Of particular note is A-Great-KeyNote by David Hodge, President of
Miami University (Ohio) titled 

"From Convocation to Capstone: Developing the Student as Scholar"

In order to integrate undergraduate research most effectively into the
learning experience, undergraduate education should focus on the
*student as scholar* from the first to final year. President
Hodge will offer a vision of the student as scholar, where *scholar*
is defined in terms of an attitude, an intellectual posture, and a frame
of mind derived from the best traditions of an engaged liberal
education. Fulfilling this vision of the student as scholar will require
a fundamental shift in how we imagine and structure the curriculum. In
this new paradigm, the curriculum is learning-centered, providing
intentional pathways that culminate in capstone experiences,
peer-reviewed research papers, and creative presentations. 

"... [T]he undergraduate research experience is often viewed too
narrowly as an isolated component of the student*s education, or as
suitable for only some of the most advanced students. In this paper we
argue that undergraduate research should, in fact, be at the center of
the undergraduate experience, that undergraduate education should adopt
the *Student as Scholar* Model throughout the curriculum, where
scholar is conceived in terms of an attitude, an intellectual posture,
and a frame of mind derived from the best traditions of an engaged
liberal arts education. With this framework, not only each research
project, but also each course, is viewed as an integrated, and
integrating, part of the student experience."



I have outlined most of the content of the conference with (appropriate
links) in a Scholarship 2.0 blog entry at  



[ http://tinyurl.com/669xvm ]

I am greatly interested in Any/All Reactions to The "Student As
Scholar" concept that is well articulated in by David Hodge in his
keynote and by many other participants. In addition, I am interested in
Any/All relevant cites/sites as well as accounts of
personal/institutional  'Student As Scholar'  initiatives.

Among the workshop, poster, case studies, plenaries, roundtable
discussions topics from the AACU conference were 

Providing Undergraduates with a Research Training Roadmap

Experiences in Research: A Structured, Faculty-Mentored Program for
First-Year Students

Collaborative Undergraduate Research Seminars: Providing a *Research
I* Experience 

Institutionalizing Student Research Opportunities: Creating Visibility
and Promoting Collaboration for Engaged Learning

Implementing an Integrative Research Sequence: The *Scientific

Interdisciplinary Research: Building a Bridge to Scientific Inquiry in
the 21st Century

Supporting Undergraduate Research: Centralized and Decentralized
Institutional Models and the Role of Statewide Programs

Co-Creating Pathways to Student Scholarship: A Developmental Trajectory
of Experience, Reflection, Research, and Scholarship

A Comprehensive Approach to Student Scholarship

A Developmental Approach to Undergraduate Research in the Sciences

Building a Learner-Centered Environment through Undergraduate Research
and Creative Activity

Developing Student Scholars from Convocation through Commencement: An
Institution-Wide Model

What Does the Research Tell Us about Undergraduate Research?

The Role of Undergraduate Research in Student Retention and Academic

Multiple Models for Incorporating Undergraduate Research into the

Collaborative Research and Creative Inquiry

Thinking Like a Scientist: Building Skills on the Way to a Culminating
Research Experience

Educating Undergraduate Research Mentors

The Sociology of Everyday Life: Student Scholars in the Introductory

Designing and Implementing an Undergraduate Research Program

EUREKA! Building an Integrated University-Wide Model for Engaging
Students in Undergraduate Research

The Importance of Institutional, Disciplinary, and Interdisciplinary
Definitions of Scholarship

Integrating Undergraduate Research and Engagement Programs across
Departmental, Disciplinary, and Developmental Boundaries

Equal Partners: Participatory Research Involving Faculty, Students, and
Community Members

Improving the Quality of Student Research through Information Fluence

Creating and Publishing Undergraduate Research Journals

Enhancing Academic Excellence through Inquiry, Research, and Creative

Toward a Collaborative, Learning-Centered Culture: Phases of
Institutional Development

Key Elements to Building a Sustainable Undergraduate Research Program

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Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 

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Victor Hugo 
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