[Air-L] PhD Position Available at NeuroChip Lab, Padova, Italy.

Mufti Mahmud muftimahmud at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 11:09:00 PDT 2008

Hi All,
 There is an opening for a PhD position at the NeuroChip Laboratory of
University of Padova,
The details can be found at the following link: http://www.cyberrat.eu/.

Interested candidates can send their *detailed CV*, *research expertise and
experience (maximum one page)*, and *motivation letter (maximum one page)*to
neurochiplab at cyberrat.eu *within 15 September 2008*.

Mufti Mahmud
NeuroChip Laboratory
University of Padova
35131 - Padova, Italy.
Office: +39 049 827 5308
Mobile: +39 389 1165099
Res.: +39 049 65 6593 Extn. 8314.

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