[Air-L] etiquette for reusing or reposting blog posts

Samater Liban (gmail) samater.liban at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 11:57:01 PDT 2008

Hi Lokman,

>Is this something considered not done at all?
>What are people's experiences and feelings on this?

You should use TrackBacks for your challenge or am I misconfusing this?

TrackBacks essentially provide a means whereby different web sites can post messages to one another not just to inform each
other about citations, but also to alert one another of related resources. Typically, a blog may display quotations from another
blog through the use of TrackBacks. 

This also leaves Google friendly in terms of "duplicate content" as Eric had mentioned.
I see TrackBacks all over the BlogSphere in Germany - not sure about the US side....


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