[Air-L] IR 9.0 author/presentation guidance

Brian Loader bl506 at york.ac.uk
Wed Jun 18 02:29:47 PDT 2008

For all of you giving presentations at the forthcoming conference in
Copenhagen can I offer the following guidance in response some questions:

Please register as soon as possible for the conference so that I can include
you in the programme. When you have done this can you also take some time to
amend your abstract, title and biog details for inclusion in the Conference
Brochure. These should be a short abstract of no more than 250 words and a
very short biog of about Two sentences. Panels and Rountables should have an
abstract of no more than 300 words and include a list of participating
authors and titles for panels.


The deadline for submission of papers is now 31st August. There are no
papers for Rountables. There is no single format style which reflects the
variety of disciplines covered by the proposals. They should however be no
more than 7,000 words in length and no less than 2,500.


Each paper will receive 15 minutes for presentation and time at the end of
the session for questions.

I hope this covers everything for now but please let me know if you require
further information to assist you.


Brian D. Loader
Social Informatics Research Unit (SIRU),
Department of Sociology,
Wentworth College,
University of York,
York YO10 5DD
Email bl506 at york.ac.uk
Tel: +44(0) 1904 432639
Fax: +44(0) 1904 433043 

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