[Air-L] privacy and protection
Mark Marino
markcmarino at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 23:40:31 PDT 2008
Thank you, Peter and Bruno (and all who have replied offline).
Much of the advice seems to focus around:
* taking the research offline (a little disappointing since it cuts
off the Web -- but surely wise)
* making sure the informants/subjects are protected. (which is the
primary concern to begin with!).
It makes me wonder if there isn't an Underground Internet -- complete
with its own codes, signals, and even protocols --- to allow those who
might be persecuted to more freely communicate and share information.
Has anyone done any work in this area?
I certainly appreciate all the feedback and look forward to any other
advice you might have.
On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Bruno S. <bselun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> in order to protect oneself from being traced back, I highly recommend using
> TOR (The Onion Router) > http://www.torproject.org/ <.
> The principle is brilliantly explained at >
> http://www.torproject.org/overview.html.en <. Since it is virtually
> untraceable, your student would need to use it for every connection she
> makes to her blog, or wherever it is that she'll be conducting the research
> from. From the earliest stage (searching for a hosting service, subscribing
> to it) throughout her use of it (posting any comment, any post, just logging
> on to the website), she will need to use TOR not to be identified.
> This answers the question regarding her anonymity, but not the respondents'.
> I could suggest they *all *use TOR, but that requires some kind of technical
> understanding, and may not be easily put in place. What are others'
> suggestions?
> Bruno Selun
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