[Air-L] Academic Writing and Publishing Workshop, AoIR IR 9.0

Marcus Foth m.foth at qut.edu.au
Mon Jun 2 19:16:13 PDT 2008

Call for Participation
Academic Writing and Publishing Workshop

Wednesday October 15th 2008

in conjunction with AoIR IR 9.0

Organisers: Marcus Foth, Mia Consalvo, Greg Hearn

In response to feedback from AoIR members as well as the publications  
working group and the executive committee of AoIR, we invite you to  
this workshop on academic writing and publishing. It provides an  
opportunity for early and mid career internet researchers to discuss  
and improve academic writing skills in a peer support environment and  
identify suitable publication outlets. The workshop will be a forum to  
share experiences and tips and tricks on how to interact with editors  
and deal with review reports. You will have a chance to discuss your  
own draft papers with other participants and the organisers, and you  
will hear inside stories from Nick Jankowski, editor of New Media &  
Society, and Mark Lorenzen, editor of Industry and Innovation.

No workshop papers are required to attend, but we encourage you to  
bring drafts on the day for us to work with. If you would like to  
participate in this workshop, please register for IR 9.0 and send an  
email to Marcus Foth at m.foth at qut.edu.au so we can keep a tally on  
numbers for the workshop.

Tentative Programme

09.00 – 09.15: Welcome and outline of the structure of the workshop
09.15 – 10.15: Keynote by Nick Jankowski, Editor of New Media &  
Society, SAGE
10.15 – 10.45: Coffee break
10.45 – 11.30: Roundtable: Selecting the right publication outlet and  
publication lifecycles
11.30 – 12.15: Hands-on session collecting information online about  
publication outlets and share with others
12.15 – 13.15: Lunch
13.15 – 14.00: Roundtable: Tips and tricks for academic writing and  
responding to reviewer's feedback
14.00 – 14.45: Hands-on session: mini peer review of participants'  
works and discussion with editors
14.45 – 15.15: Coffee break
15.15 – 16.00: Feedback and Q&A session with editors and publishers
16.00 – 17.00: Panel discussion: Towards a set of regular AoIR special  

Dr Marcus Foth
Australian Postdoctoral Fellow

Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation
Queensland University of Technology (CRICOS No. 00213J)
Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane QLD 4059, Australia
Phone +61 7 313 x88772 - Fax x88195 - Office Z6-511
m.foth at qut.edu.au - http://www.vrolik.de/publications/

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