[Air-L] Please Post -- Call for Papers: Internet in China -- special issue of Electronic Journal of Communication (EJC/REC)

Teresa M Harrison harrison at cas.albany.edu
Mon Jun 9 11:30:50 PDT 2008

EJC/REC:  Call for Papers

The Internet in China

Edited by:  
Randy Kluver, Texas A & M University, rkluver at tamu.edu 
Teresa M. Harrison, University at Albany, harrison at albany.edu
China's population of Internet users has now increased to 221 million,
matching the US for the largest number of users online in the world. The
Internet is having revolutionary effects on Chinese society, allowing
greater openness to expression, presenting challenges to the Chinese
government to control information, and posing the potential to improve
the quality of life for Chinese citizens.  While the Internet may be
unlikely to "democratize" China, it is unquestionably modernizing
Chinese culture and society, while providing radically new opportunities
for Chinese citizens.
This special issue seeks to publish the best research addressing the
impact of Internet use and new media technologies on China's culture and
society.  We invite submissions from scholars documenting the scope and
depth of these changes in an effort to better understand the Chinese
information technology revolution and its consequences. We also seek
submissions that consider these effects within the context of social
theory and cultural criticism. Topics may include, but are not limited

*	How the Internet is used in China to find, present, and discuss
information about the world
*	Chinese perceptions and attitudes about the Internet, the Web
and new media
*	The demographics of Internet adoption
*	Internet and political communication in China
*	Blogging, social networking, wikis, and other Web 2.0 phenomena
in China
*	Mobile, location-based services, and other emerging technologies
in China
*	Cross-cultural comparisons
*	Cross-media use comparisons
*	The history of the Internet in China

Inquiries to either editor about possible topics are welcome.  Deadline
for completed manuscripts is Monday, July 7, 2008. All submissions
should be made electronically (.doc, .rtf  or .pdf format), in English
and emailed to Teresa Harrison (harrison at albany.edu). Manuscripts should
conform to the specifications of the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association, 5th Edition. For further information about
EJC/REC, see http://www.cios.org/www/ejcmain.htm

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