[Air-L] CFP: DIMACS Workshop on Internet Privacy

Michael Zimmer michael.zimmer at yale.edu
Tue Jun 17 18:05:36 PDT 2008

Colleagues -

Enclosed is a call for participation for the upcoming DIMACS Workshop  
on Internet Privacy. I'm told the organizers are particularly  
interested in papers discussing social, ethical, political, and legal  
issues and approaches. Submission requires a 500 word abstract for a  
30 minute presentation.

Apologies for any cross-postings.


Michael Zimmer, PhD
Microsoft Fellow, Information Society Project
Yale Law School
e: michael.zimmer at yale.edu
w: http://michaelzimmer.org


DIMACS/DyDAn Workshop on Internet Privacy: Facilitating Seamless Data  
Movement with Appropriate Controls

     September 18 - 19, 2008
     DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

     Dan Boneh, Stanford University, dabo at cs.stanford.edu
     Ed Felten, Princeton University, felten at cs.princeton.edu
     Helen Nissenbaum, New York University, helen.nissenbaum at nyu.edu

Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Focus on  
Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet, the DIMACS Special Focus on  
Communication Security and Information Privacy and the Center for  
Dynamic Data Analysis (DyDAn).


In current fielded systems such as SSL and IPsec, "privacy'' is mostly  
about encrypting data in transit from one party to another, so that  
eavesdroppers cannot overhear it. However, this approach to sensitive  
information has proved inadequate for the kinds of activities now  
taking place on the Internet. There are growing concerns over the  
amount of information being collected by data brokers, as well as  
concerns about the ability of merchants, banks, and the large data  
brokers themselves to secure that information from malicious use. The  
problem is compounded by the fact that there are multiple  
stakeholders---such as data subjects, data owners, data collectors,  
and data service providers---and these stakeholders may have differing  
views about which uses are appropriate and which are not.

A number of steps towards solutions have been proposed, including  
various mechanisms for balancing privacy and accountability, privacy- 
preserving data mining, privacy enforcement, and privacy policy  
languages and frameworks. Working towards a complete solution to this  
problem, this workshop will address technical issues, such as the  
application of cryptography to allow selected uses and disallow  
others; mechanisms for policy enforcement and policy reconciliation in  
a decentralized, distributed setting; and the massive scale of modern  
databases. It will also to address social, philosophical, and legal  
issues to determine which kinds of controls should be considered  
appropriate, how technology and public policy can interact to achieve  
privacy goals, and when and how law enforcement or domestic security  
needs affect the architecture requirements for deployed networks and  
database systems.

We are soliciting contributed talks. Please see the call for papers.

Workshop topics include (but are not limited to):

     * Controlled data movement (e.g. Digital Rights Management)
     * Privacy on the web: attacks and defenses
     * Search query privacy
     * Enforcing privacy policies at enterprise and government systems
Call for Participation:

This two day multidisciplinary workshop will include a combination of  
invited and contributed talks.

We are soliciting short abstract submissions (about 500 words) to be  
considered for a 30 minute presentation at the workshop. We welcome  
submissions from scholars and researchers in all relevant fields,  
including computer and information sciences, social sciences,  
humanities, and law. Since there will be no published proceedings we  
welcome submissions covering material that was previously presented  
elsewhere (and referenced as such). Submitted abstracts should be on  
topics related to the workshop focus.

Instructions for authors: Abstract submissions should include talk  
title, speaker name, affiliation, contact information, and a 500 word  
abstract. Please mail abstracts to Dan Boneh (dabo at cs.stanford.edu).

Important dates:

Submission deadline 	        Monday, June 23, 2008, 17:00 PST
Notification of decision 	Thursday, July 10, 2008
Workshop 	                September 18 - 19, 2008


(Pre-registration deadline: September 11, 2008)

Please see website for complete registration details.

Information on participation, registration, accommodations, and travel  
can be found at:




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