[Air-L] privacy and protection

Han-Teng Liao (OII) han-teng.liao at oii.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jun 6 23:53:21 PDT 2008

To Bruno,
TOR could be useful but it is only for web surfing.  If you are in
China, using TOR may not be sufficient.

To Mark and all,

Internet protocol is open architecture.  Security and encryption is an
add-on.  I personally believe it is better configuration.  If we have
"underground Internet" built in the architecture, I guess agencies such
as CIA will have a bigger power in this area.  (Exactly the future
Professor Jonathan Zittrain tries to avoid in his book "The Future of
Then it should be part of the Internet Infrastructure literacy
education, something as simple as "Emails are postcards", "chat rooms
are by default open", "msn will turn your chat record to Beijing if
...." etc.  If one need protection, just download and use the encrypted
chat softwares (preferably those with PGP standard)

Some softwares could be found:

To all,

Do we need to compile a corresponding resources to the AoIR Ethics Guide?
Guidelines need the right tools and experience to avoid unintended harms.

*Liao <http://zhongwen.com/cgi-bin/zipux2.cgi?b5=%E5%BB%96>,Han
DPhil student at the OII <http://people.oii.ox.ac.uk/hanteng/about/>(web)
needs you <http://people.oii.ox.ac.uk/hanteng/>(blog)

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