[Air-L] Oxford DPhil studentship available - Privacy Value Networks

Victoria Nash victoria.nash at oii.ox.ac.uk
Fri May 23 06:34:21 PDT 2008

Dear colleagues,

Due to a recent grant award by the EPSRC, the OII is seeking to attract 
an excellent DPhil candidate to take up a funded studentship place on 
its DPhil programme for entry in 2008. While the offical application 
process has closed for 2008/09 entry to the OII's DPhil Programme, 
students willing to undertake research on the 'Privacy Value Networks' 
research project can still apply for a place (deadline for 
applications: midday 12 June 2008). For further information please see 
our website at:

I'd be very grateful if you could pass this message on to any students 
who are applying to doctoral programmes for entry in 2008,

Dr Victoria Nash
Director of Graduate Studies
Oxford Internet Institute

University of Oxford
1, St Giles OX1 3JS
01865 287231

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