[Air-L] summer school - social work/internet/research

Denise N. Rall denrall at yahoo.com
Sun May 18 18:10:11 PDT 2008

Dear Chris -

This course from ANU, Canberra, Australia looks like
it addresses your interests, and apparently it will be
available as a distance
education class.

The web page is:

Cheers, Denise

Denise N. Rall, PhD. Internationalisation Project Officer
Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW 2480 AUSTRALIA 
Office: Room T2.17, +61 (0)2 6620 3577 Mobile 0438 233 344 
Presenter, Internet Research 9.0, 15-18 October 2008, Copenhagen, DK

      Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.

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