[Air-L] Technology and authority: Graduate programs

William Dutton william.dutton at oii.ox.ac.uk
Mon May 26 01:53:33 PDT 2008

I would of course add the OII's doctoral degree in Information,  
Communication and Society, as well as our MSc in Social Science of  
the Internet. See: http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/teaching/

I do not have a compiled list of graduate programs, but I did begin a  
list of centers for research on the Internet and society, that  
certainly included communication programs. However, it is dated by  
the pace of change in this field. Anyone is welcome - encouraged - to  
build on this list. I just posted this file on my blog at http:// 

Good luck finding programs -- many to consider.


Professor William H. Dutton, Director
Oxford Internet Institute
University of Oxford
1 St Giles', Oxford OX1 3JS
United Kingdom

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