[Air-L] New Blog

Heather Horst hhorst at uci.edu
Fri Oct 10 15:45:04 PDT 2008

Dear AOIR List Members,


I wanted to announce the launch of a new blog:


Hosted at the University of California Humanities Research Institute at
University of California, Irvine, Futures of Learning is a collective blog
dedicated to the topic of new media and learning. The blog is part of the
Digital Media and Learning Studio, a research network hub in development at
UCHRI and funded by the MacArthur Foundation. The members of the blog are
part of a project conducting an international survey of research in the
field in two areas. One is an international review of research on how people
are adopting digital and networked media (mobile phones, gaming, internet
use and digital media production) around the world. The second area is a
review of learning institutions that are incorporating new media in
innovative ways. 


We will be using this blog as a way to share some of what we are learning,
and to solicit feedback on our work in progress. We have already started
posting book and article reviews as well as reports from our visits to
various sites and conferences. We welcome your comments and discussion on
the Futures of Learning blog. 



Heather Horst (and the Futures of Learning Team)

For more information about the Digital Media and Learning Initiative, please
go to www.uchri.org. Apologies in advance for any cross-postings.


Heather A Horst

Associate Project Scientist

University of California Humanities Research Institute

307 Aldrich Hall

Irvine, CA 92697-3350

Email:  <mailto:hhorst at uci.edu> hhorst at uci.edu

DML Blog:  <http://futuresoflearning.org/> http://futuresoflearning.org/

The Cell Phone Book:

Journal of Legal Anthropology, Book Reviews Editor:




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