[Air-L] Papyrus News

Mark Warschauer markw at uci.edu
Thu Oct 23 14:02:32 PDT 2008

Dear colleagues:

In 1999, I started an email list called "Papyrus News" to share 
information and commentary about the relationship of information and 
communication technologies to language and literacy, education and 
social development, and culture and diversity.  In 2003, I switched 
over to a blog format, but due to personal and professional 
obligations, postings were rare.

I just wanted to let people know that, together with a great group of 
graduate students and faculty in the Digital Learning Lab at UCI, we 
have re-launched Papyrus News as a collective effort -- and this 
collective participation is providing much more frequent and 
interesting postings and commentary.

Please have a look, if you are so inclined, and feel free to pass 
this info on to others:


Mark Warschauer
Professor of Education and Informatics
University of California, Irvine
Berkeley Place 2001 (for mail); Berkeley Place 3000 (for visitors)
Irvine, CA 92697-5500
tel: (949) 824-2526,  fax: (949) 824-2965
markw at uci.edu; http://www.gse.uci.edu/markw

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