[Air-L] Conferencing software for next year

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Thu Oct 23 09:37:08 PDT 2008

Ben makes an interesting point.  'The imagination of the program  
chair' what what brought me oh prolly around 500 or so hours of labor  
over several years.  In fact, it was the constant requirements of the  
reimagining of process of program chairs that forced the move to OJS  
from a custom system.  The idea was that, we can no longer afford to  
invest in endless customization and specifically the endless re- 
imagination of the conference and the conference process.   We need a  
fixed model, and OJS was what was supposed to help to enforce that  
fixedness, but really it doesn't seem to have accomplished that, so  
perhaps we should resolve the problem more through policy than through  
getting a new system?  the system ojs system does seem to work for  
many different conferences.

On Oct 23, 2008, at 11:07 AM, Ben Anderson wrote:

> On 22 Oct 2008, at 18:34, Ingbert Floyd wrote:
>> I think it would be interesting to see a group discussion of
>> conference system requirements by internet experts.
> one such 'requirement' is that the system can support the  
> 'submission/review/response workflow' that the conference organizers  
> want. My experience of the IR9 review process (others may disagree)  
> was that whilst the progamme chair & reviewers had a view of the  
> process they wanted, the system had a slightly different and rather  
> 'fixed' model. This produced a certain amount of confusion.
> If the IR10 programme chair/committee's mental model of the  
> submission process is not yet defined then deciding on a tool will  
> be a bit premature...(unless you are happy to adapt your process to  
> what the tool(s) provide)
> Ben
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