[Air-L] Call for book chapters — REMINDER

Brügger Niels nb at imv.au.dk
Mon Apr 6 01:49:43 PDT 2009

***REMINDER --- DEADLINE 17 April***

***Please distribute widely - apologies for cross-posting***

Public Service Broadcasting Online
This edited collection of work by international scholars analyses how  
broadcasters have used the world wide web to further their public  
service goals. How did broadcasters such as the BBC, ABC, ARD, DR, NRK  
and even the US Public Broadcasting Service translate their public  
service remits for this global digital platform? What were the  
differences and similarities between different broadcasters? What can  
these histories tell us about a future for public service in  

These questions are highly significant for those who value public  
service in broadcasting, and who hope that it will continue in a  
globalised digitalised communications environment. A number of public  
service broadcasters implemented web services amid dire predictions  
about the death, not only of public service broadcasting, but of  
broadcasting itself.  Despite these circumstances, the websites were  
(and are) often extremely successful. In July 2008 BBC Online was the  
27th most popular English Language website in the world, the ABC is  
consistently among the top ten websites in Australia, and DR Online  
has for a number of years been among the top three in Denmark. Perhaps  
these histories of success can take public service broadcasting more  
optimistically into the future.

Each chapter of this book will focus on a broadcaster from a different  
country. Comparative chapters are also welcome.

We welcome chapters that focus on:
	• policy and strategy;
	• regulation, media organisation;
	• web content;
	• users;
	• cross-media technology;
	• local and global relations.

We are inviting you to submit via email to Maureen Burns (m.burns2 at uq.edu.au 
) or Niels Brugger (nb at imv.au.dk) by 17 April 2009:

	• a 500 word abstract of a proposed chapter; and
	• a preliminary outline of the proposed chapter.

The successful abstracts will form part of a book proposal to be  
offered to academic publishers.

Niels Brugger, University of Aarhus, Denmark and Maureen Burns,  
University of Queensland, Australia.


March 2009
Website history and the website as an object of study, New Media &  
Society, 11/1-2, Sage, London 2009, 115-132
[ get an electronic copy at: http://nms.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/11/1-2/115?etoc 

February 2009
Forstå Facebook [in Danish]. www.kommunikationsforum.dk. Copenhagen: 5  
pages, 2009
[ read the article: http://www.kommunikationsforum.dk/artikler/forstaa-facebook 

November 2008
The Archived Website and Website Philology. A new Type of Historical  
Document?, Nordicom Review, 29/2, Göteborg 2008: 155-175
[ get an electronic copy at: http://www.nordicom.gu.se/common/publ_pdf/269_brugger.pdf 

Strukturalismus (with O. Vigsø), Hans Fink Verlag, München: 104 pages,  
[ read about the publication: http://www.utb.de/katalog_suchen_detailseite.jsp?buchid=1942 

You may want to join the mailing list webhistory at imv.au.dk at http://mail.imv.au.dk/mailman/listinfo/webhistory

You may want to join the Facebook group "dr.dk's historie" [in Danish]  
at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=61000607153

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NIELS BRÜGGER, Associate Professor, PhD
Institute of Information and Media Studies
University of Aarhus
Helsingforsgade 14
8200 Aarhus N

Phone (switchboard)   +45 8942 1111
Phone (direct)               +45 8942 9226
Telefax                           + 45 8942 5950
E-mail                             nb at imv.au.dk
Webpage                       http://imv.au.dk/~nb

Profile at LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/50a/555
Profile at Kommunikationsforum [in Danish]: www.kommunikationsforum.dk/Niels-Brugger

The Centre for Internet Research               http://cfi.imv.au.dk
The history of dr.dk, 1996-2006                  http://drdk.dk

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