[Air-L] Aarhus January 2010. Call for papers: Church in Cyberspace

Peter Fischer-Nielsen pfn at teo.au.dk
Thu Apr 30 00:29:53 PDT 2009

Aarhus University, Denmark - January 27-29, 2010
Website: http://www.teo.au.dk/churchandmission
One of the four main themes of this conference is "Church in Cyberspace." This section welcomes all papers examining the relationship between church, mission and the new media, especially the Internet. How do the new media affect the ways in which the church operates? What impact do secularization, globalization and multireligiosity have on the church in cyberspace? Does the Internet offer new alternatives to traditional approaches to mission? Can church and congregational communities be built in cyberspace? Both theoretical and empirical approaches are most welcome. 
Read more in the call for papers on http://www.teo.au.dk/churchandmission/callforpapers. 
Peter Fischer-Nielsen
Afdeling for Systematisk Teologi
Bygning 1443
Tåsingegade 3
8000 Århus C
Tlf. 89 42 22 39 - 26 85 67 28
E-mail: pfn at teo.au.dk
Blog: www.e-religion.dk <http://www.e-religion.dk/> 

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