[Air-L] New AoIR relevant Theme@ Digital Arts & Culture Conference 2009

Lisbeth Klastrup klastrup at itu.dk
Tue Apr 21 07:05:56 PDT 2009

Hi all,
The biannual Digital Arts & Culture conference takes place in California in
December 2009 (http://dac09.uci.edu)
The abstract submission deadline is coming up soon - May 1st!
This year, the conference is theme-based (ie  paper proposals have be to
submitted to a theme), and as one of the theme organisers, Im happy to
announce that a new theme, of interest to perhaps some people on this list,
has recently been added: 

"Theme: The Present and Future of Humanist Inquiry in the Digital Field
What contributions may literary, poetic, and aesthetic idioms of humanist
inquiry -- traditionally associated with problems of lyrical expression,
narrativity, linguistic subjectivity, and authorial and readerly agencies --
continue to offer to the analysis of medial practices and systems in the era
of mobile, distributed, and social media? The crux of this question, we
propose, lies in the specifically historical purchase of humanist method:
its ability to (re)situate new symbolic practices in complex and nuanced
relation to prior traditions and atavisms of expressive language and action
-- in contrast to the reductively progressivist, de-historicizing impulses
of much of contemporary digitalism. 

This theme welcomes exemplary close readings (literary-theoretical,
formalist, narratological, ludological, etc.) of electronic literature and
poetry, single- and multiple-player computer games, social media, and hard
and soft medial apparatuses of the digital field. Especially encouraged are
such close readings which also make general claims regarding the
significance of humanist investigations of digital arts and cultures." 

More info at:

Liz Klastrup

Lisbeth Klastrup
Associate Professor, Innovative Communication Research Group
IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaardsvej 7
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 7218 5029

web/blog: www.klastrup.dk

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