[Air-L] Facebook posts used to fire people in Australia

Michael Zimmer zimmerm at uwm.edu
Wed Apr 8 16:40:46 PDT 2009

Re: taking "seemingly private Facebook chatter" "out of context", see  
thoughts by me and others:

Facebook Changes Cause Rift in Flow of Personal Information (Michael  

More on Facebook and the Contextual Integrity of Personal Information  
Flows (Michael Zimmer)

Putting Privacy Settings in the Context of Use (in Facebook and  
elsewhere) (danah boyd)

How Facebook Broke its Culture (Fred Stutzman)

Facebook, Context, and Privacy (William McGeveran)

and, finally,

Yes, Privacy Does Still Exist in a Facebook World (Michael Zimmer)

Are there other good approaches to privacy on Facebook in a contextual  
frame that I'm missing?

Michael Zimmer, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies
Associate, Center for Information Policy Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
e: zimmerm at uwm.edu
w: www.michaelzimmer.org

On Apr 8, 2009, at 5:40 PM, Monica Barratt wrote:

> Yes, reading this article certainly brought me back to thinking  
> about the
> blurry public/private line. I agree that it is mistaken to see this as
> completely new, rather, it is another way of doing something that  
> has been a
> threat to employees (and employers in some cases) throughout  
> history, just
> using different techniques and technology.
> This comment struck me:
> "Our recent story about companies sacking employees over seemingly  
> private
> Facebook chatter has provoked several new examples from readers who  
> claim
> their employers took their Facebook postings *out of context* and  
> used them
> as an excuse to show them the door."
> It does seem to be the case that, regardless of the "trust no-one"  
> reality,
> people feel unfairly treated by these situations where their words are
> "taken out of context" - from what felt like a private context into a
> professional context.
> Rhiannon, your story about the email has probably happened to so  
> many of us
> (I can think of a few times emails of mine ended up being read by  
> eyes I had
> never bargained for). Even though I know all this intellectually, I  
> still
> get the sense that - generally - my online conversations are just  
> going to
> be read by those I expect to read them. I find it hard to always  
> apply the
> rule (act like the whole world will read this!) to everything I say.  
> Well, I
> have to think about it - it doesn't come naturally to me, let's put  
> it that
> way.
> I'm currently writing up my research with drug users who read and/or
> participate in online discussions about drugs in public online  
> forums. I
> asked them to reflect on their concerns about privacy, if they had  
> any,
> anything they did to mitigate risks. So far I've found a wide range of
> attitudes and actions taken.. with the younger people and those with  
> less
> online experience being a lot less concerned.
> Monica
> 2009/4/9 Ben Light <B.Light at salford.ac.uk>
>> Thanks for the link Monica and the discussion.  I've just finished a
>> session
>> with a PhD student I am working with who's just about to jump into  
>> the
>> field
>> and follow the development and implementation of social media at a  
>> network
>> solutions company - her focus is on the possible implications for  
>> 'home'
>> and
>> 'work' life.
>> Of course we found ourselves talking about the telework research of  
>> the
>> 80s,
>> but also the pre-industrial revolution cottage industries of the  
>> UK!  I'm
>> sure we could go back further :O)
>> Ben.
>> Ben Light
>> Professor of Digital Media
>> Director IS, Organisations and Society Research Centre
>> Acting Associate Head of School - Research
>> School of Media, Music and Performance
>> The University of Salford
>> Adelphi House
>> Salford
>> M3 6EN
>> www.smmp.salford.ac.uk
>> www.benlight.org
>> www.isos.salford.ac.uk
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