[Air-L] Your Opinion

Alex Halavais alex at halavais.net
Wed Apr 15 06:03:39 PDT 2009

I'll bite. I think we need to figure out what the extremes of
personalized learning are, and what implications these have for
learning in groups, institutions, and on the network. Yes, that is a
broad task, and one that is probably closely associated with Howard
Gardner, but designing a good educational system for many means, I
think, understanding how to design the best educational system for the
single student.

- Alex

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Elaine Studnicki
<elainestudnicki at comcast.net> wrote:
> Colleagues,
> I have hovered in the background for quite some time reading your extremely
> rich and diverse areas of interest/research. As a K-12 educator/doctoral
> student I am interested in the connections between higher ed. research and
> the daily classroom instruction/environment that composes our national
> educational system.  I am compelled to ask this question:
> In your opinion what do you currently think is the most important area of
> research or perhaps the most important area "needing" research for our K-12
> educational system?
> Thank you for your help and time,
> Elaine
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