[Air-L] FAQs?

Chrystie Myketiak chrystie at dcs.qmul.ac.uk
Thu Apr 16 10:45:23 PDT 2009

Hi Nancy,
I've just finished writing a PhD thesis, "Kissing Bandits to cybersex: 
online sexual discourses and social norms" on the social norms in online 
communities surrounding sexual discourse. In my analysis, even though 
sexual discourse was banned in the FAQ and community rules, it is a 
pervasive and persistent conversation topic that involves a great deal 
of social norms that are not tied to the explicit rules in the FAQ and 
rules section. The norms surrounding the conversations (e.g., what is 
said, where, to whom and how) are based both in offline sexual norms, 
particularly heteronormativity, and group norms.

Chrystie Myketiak
Interaction, Media and Communication research group in the Department of 
Computer Science &
Department of Linguistics
Queen Mary, University of London

Nancy Baym wrote:
> Hi all --
> Can anyone recommend a good article about FAQs as means of 
> articulating and enforcing online community norms?
> Thanks
> Nancy

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