[Air-L] Your Opinion

Nick Lalone nick.lalone at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 08:05:27 PDT 2009

The thing that worries me is that not enough emphasis placed on digital
literacy. As I get together notes and various things for my practicum, it's
the thing I'm noticing more and more that needs research. I give an
assignment to my department's interns (undergraduate college "seniors") that
involves basic web page creation. Almost none of the students can use the
simplistic WYSIWYG editor I give them. Further, they don't understand the
basics of how the web works. They send me their html file but not their
pictures. When I ask for them, they will tell me that they are on their
webpage, why should they send them separate?

The problem is that separating the effect of technology from everything else
is statistically troublesome. I have yet to really see a study that states
its effect one way or the other and as the ubiquity of computing grows ever
closer, I worry about the effect of the computer as a black box.

There are tons of other areas that need to be looked at but this, I feel, is
growing in importance each year.


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Elaine Studnicki <
elainestudnicki at comcast.net> wrote:

> Colleagues,
> I have hovered in the background for quite some time reading your extremely
> rich and diverse areas of interest/research. As a K-12 educator/doctoral
> student I am interested in the connections between higher ed. research and
> the daily classroom instruction/environment that composes our national
> educational system.  I am compelled to ask this question:
> In your opinion what do you currently think is the most important area of
> research or perhaps the most important area "needing" research for our K-12
> educational system?
> Thank you for your help and time,
> Elaine
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Nick LaLone

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