[Air-L] Microblogging and science
Nentwich, Michael
mnent at oeaw.ac.at
Tue Dec 22 01:39:04 PST 2009
The Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA) of the Austrian
Academy of Sciences just published a research report on the
potential of microblogging for science, with a focus on Twitter:
Herwig, J., Kittenberger, A., Nentwich, M. und Schmirmund, J.,
2009, Microblogging und die Wissenschaft. Das Beispiel Twitter.
Steckbrief 4 im Rahmen des Projekts "Interactive Science". ITA-
Reports, Nr. a52-4 hrsg. v. Institut für Technikfolgen-
Abschätzung, Wien: ITA
The report is in German language - an abstract in English can be
found on my new blog:
Greetings from White Vienna,
Dr. Michael NENTWICH
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Inst. of Technology
A-1030 Vienna, Strohgasse 45/5; Tel. +43 1 51581
Fax. +43 1 7109883; mailto:mnent at oeaw.ac.at
Personal homepage: http://eiop.or.at/mn/
Institute: http://www.oeaw.ac.at/ita/
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