[Air-L] International Journal of Internet Science: Vol. 4 up! --> http://ijis.net

Ulf-Dietrich Reips ureips at genpsy.unizh.ch
Thu Dec 31 08:07:25 PST 2009

Dear colleague:

We are happy to announce the newest issue (Vol. 
4, issue 1) of the International Journal of 
Internet Science.

The current issue features four original research 
contributions in the field of Internet science. 
In our editorial we continue our analysis of the 
journal's impact from the previous editorial by 
extending it to webometrics. The specific areas 
covered by the research articles are the coverage 
bias of mobile surveys (beginning to be lower 
than for landlines!), the continuous online 
measurement of emotions induced by music, the 
detrimental effect of racial stereotypes on 
performance in competitive online environments 
(like virtual teams), and (non-)effects of 
textual messages of encouragement and other 
feedback mechanisms on drop-out in web surveys.

International Journal of Internet Science Volume 4, Issue 1 (2009), Content:

Ulf-Dietrich Reips (University of Deusto, Spain) 
& Uwe Matzat (Eindhoven University of Technology, 
The Netherlands): Webometrics for an Open Access 
Start-Up Journal (Editorial)


Hauke Egermann, Frederik Nagel, Eckart 
Altenmüller & Reinhard Kopiez (Hanover University 
of Music and Drama): Continuous Measurement of 
Musically-Induced Emotion: A Web Experiment

Marek Fuchs & Britta Busse (Darmstadt University 
of Technology): The Coverage Bias of Mobile Web 
Surveys Across European Countries

Jong-Eun Roselyn Lee (Martha Miller Center for 
Global Communication Hope College): To Reveal or 
To Cloak? Effects of Identity Salience on 
Stereotype Threat Responses in Avatar-Represented 
Group Contexts

Joseph W. Sakshaug (University of Michigan) & 
Scott D. Crawford (Survey Sciences Group): The 
Impact of Textual Messages of Encouragement on 
Web Survey Breakoffs: An Experiment

Please find the issue at http://ijis.net

Kind regards,
Ulf-Dietrich Reips / Uwe Matzat
Editors, International Journal of Internet Science http://ijis.net

The International Journal of Internet Science 
(IJIS) provides an interdisciplinary outlet for 
high quality research articles on the Internet as 
a medium of research and on the social 
implications of the Internet. IJIS is a peer 
reviewed open access journal for empirical 
findings, methodology, and theory of social and 
behavioral science concerning the Internet and 
its implications for individuals, social groups, 
organizations, and society.

Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts that are to be published in the 
International Journal of Internet Science (IJIS) 
need to be original research contributions. They 
have to be formatted according to the Publication 
Manual of the American Psychological Association 
(APA Style Guide, 5th edition). Please visit 
http://ijis.net and click on "Submit Article" for 
the online submission of manuscripts. All 
manuscripts that are eligible for publication 
will be peer-reviewed within a few weeks.

Ulf-Dietrich Reips (University of Deusto and 
Basque Foundation for Science, Spain), Uwe Matzat 
(Eindhoven University of Technology, The 

Editorial Board
Michael Birnbaum (California State University at 
Fullerton, USA), Tom Buchanan (Westminster 
University, UK), Don Dillman (Washington State 
University, USA), Frank Faulbaum (University 
Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Adam Joinson 
(University of Bath, UK), Chris Snijders 
(Eindhoven University of Technology, The 
Netherlands), Barry Wellman (University of 
Toronto, Canada)
Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips

	Editor, International Journal of Internet Science
                 Departamento de Psicología
	Universidad de Deusto
	Apartado 1, 48080 Bilbao, España
                 reips at deusto.es

Secretary & Fax: +34 944 139 085

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