[Air-L] Internet research ethics controlled vocabulary: CIPR-UWM

hviz0002 at umn.edu hviz0002 at umn.edu
Thu Dec 3 11:40:13 PST 2009

Dearest esteemed colleagues,

Hello from Milwaukee! Do you all miss us already? Hopefully you all 
recovered nicely... Thanks again for an awesome conference, and we’re 
looking forward to seeing all of you next year!

And now, the real purpose of this message. Here at the Center for 
Information Policy Research (CIPR) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 
(UWM), we are constructing an Internet research ethics digital library that 
will include, amongst other things, several (hundred?) articles related to 
the topic of – you guessed it – Internet research ethics.

We would like to create a controlled vocabulary for use in our metadata, 
and as I began this project, that little critical mindset crept in and I 
started to wonder what exactly gave me the authority to decide how all of 
you would be searching for information. Therefore: I’m putting the call out 
to you.

I’m not looking for specific terms or words (that will be the next phase!), 
but I’d like to get an idea of how people search for information regarding 
Internet research and more specifically Internet research ethics. What are 
some issues/concerns you have had when searching for this type of 
literature? What approaches might you suggest in a controlled vocabulary of 
this subject? And so on and so on

If you could email me at ehvizdak at uwm.edu sometime in the next two weeks, I 
would really appreciate it!

Thanks so much for your contribution to this project!

Erin Hvizdak

Erin Hvizdak, MLIS Candidate
School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Research Assistant, Center for Information Policy Research (CIPR)
Project Assistant, UWM Graduate School

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