[Air-L] Lifestyle blogger

Julian Hopkins j at julianhopkins.net
Wed Dec 9 11:50:56 PST 2009


Would anyone happen to know when the term 'lifestyle blogger' first started
getting used?

My notes tell me that I first started hearing of it around June 2008.

I tried the air-l archive, and the WayBack Machine with no luck. Google gave
me a first mention in January 2006 - http://chubbyhubby.net/blog/?p=256

Searching for "lifestyle blog" gives too many results where the date is not
accurate (for example, the site is dated 2002, but the term comes from the
profile which may have been updated yesterday...).

Any ideas, pointers, or (best of all) links would be much welcomed.



Blog: www.julianhopkins.net
Twitter: @julianhopkins
Skype: julhop
IM: jfprhopkins at hotmail.com

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