[Air-L] Respondents wanted for Second Life survey research - 250 L$

Mark Bell typewritermark at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 07:40:25 PST 2009


 The Synthetic Worlds Initiative (Edward Castronova's group) at Indiana
University is rolling out an  in-world survey tool.  Our first survey is on
demographics and the quality of life for virtual world residents. If you are
in SL, please stop by the SLURL below and take our survey.

Respondents will be paid L$ 250. We have been having some infrequent issues
with payment, so if you are not paid, please contact Synthetic Shan in-world
or email me off-list.

All you need to do to take a survey is click on the kiosk located on our
island: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Synthetic%20World/72/79/32

Then follow the instructions on the notecard.

Thanks for your willingness to help out a fellow educator/researcher.


Mark Bell
PhD student in Indiana University's Telecommunications program
SL: Typewriter Tackleberry
http://www.indiana.edu/~telecom/ <http://www.indiana.edu/%7Etelecom/>
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