[Air-L] communities of practice

Barry Wellman wellman at chass.utoronto.ca
Thu Feb 26 15:34:56 PST 2009

Folks were asking today about communities of practice in relation to ICTs.
Just so happens that our editorial team (Chris Nippert-Eng, me, Jess
Collins, Julie Amoroso) is right now putting together the final version of
the special CITASA issue of Information COmmunication and Society -- due
out this August.

Two of the papers are CoP:

Carey Sargent's study of "Local Musicians Building Global Audiences" in
Richmond & Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. You can also catch Carey
talking about her research on YouTube, and listen to her bank, pinko
communards on their own website.

Yuri Takhteyev's "Networks of Practice as Heterogeneous Actior Networks:
The Case of Software Development in Brazil." The title says it all.

Both are nice case studies combining theory, observation and reflection.


 Barry Wellman

  S.D. Clark Professor of Sociology, FRSC               NetLab Director
  Department of Sociology                         University of Toronto
  725 Spadina Avenue, Room 388                   Toronto Canada M5S 2J4
  http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman             fax:+1-416-978-3963
   I regret that most of my thoughts are more than 140 characters long
  Updating history:      http://chass.utoronto.ca/oldnew/cybertimes.php


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