[Air-L] 'Human error' halts Google search

Ulf-Dietrich Reips ureips at genpsy.unizh.ch
Sun Feb 1 08:29:48 PST 2009

At 16:12 Uhr +1100 1.2.2009, Christopher Lueg wrote:
>"Online search" was never compromised. As you also mentioned, Google 
>is not the only search engine. In fact it's only one among many 
>capable search engines.
>QUT's Amanda Spink and collaborators compared major search engines 
>and found very little overlap which means (my interpretation) that 
>focussing too much on Google is not a good idea anyway.

You may also want to check out the recent article on "Objectivity, 
Reliability, and Validity of Search Engine Count Estimates" by 
Dietmar Janetzkoo in Vol. 3(1) of the International Journal of 
Internet Science (http://ijis.net).

Cheers --u

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