[Air-L] Digital Divide

Ismael Peña-López ictlogist at ictlogy.net
Thu Feb 5 00:55:04 PST 2009

Dear Peter

Best I can do is share my bibliography on this issue:

You can sort by year, so you can go directly to most recent works.

Your question is quite broad, but if you're just looking for some general
facts on the US society related to digital usage, the Pew Internet Project (
http://www.pewinternet.org) is a must stop.

Best of lucks :)

Ismael Peña-López

Public Policies for Development and ICT4D
School of Law and Political Science
Open University of Catalonia

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Peter Chow-White <petercw at sfu.ca> wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> Can anyone suggest an article or book with data that is as current as
> possible on the digital divide? Something on the US that offers a more
> complicated picture of 'digital divides,' such as race/ethnicity data broken
> down by gender/income/education would be ideal. And/or something that breaks
> down the DD at a global level?
> Anything from the academy or NGOs would work.
> Thanks!
> Peter._______________________________________________
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