[Air-L] IR 10.0: call for reviewers

Andrew Herman aherman at wlu.ca
Tue Feb 10 05:56:49 PST 2009

I just created my account but where should I put my areas of expertise so proposals can be properly directed my way?


Andrew Herman, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5
519 884-1970 x3693
>>> Susanna Paasonen <susanna.paasonen at helsinki.fi> 02/10/09 8:27 AM >>>
Dear all,

My warmest thanks to all of you who have enrolled as reviewers for the 
IR 10.0 conference. As the submission deadline is drawing closer (next 
Monday, to be exact), I would like to invite as many of you as possible 
to consider taking up the task (by registering at 
http://ocs.sfu.ca/aoir/index.php/ir/10/user/account). The broader pool 
of reviewers we have, the better chances we have of ensuring expert 
opinion on all papers. Given the fundamentally interdisciplinary nature 
of aoir as a scholarly community, this is by no means a minor issue. 
Your input is greatly appreciated.

with all best,

Susanna Paasonen
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
Program Chair / IR 10.0
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