[Air-L] IR 10.0: call for reviewers

Alex Halavais alex at halavais.net
Tue Feb 10 10:03:39 PST 2009


Let me know if you want me to extract last year's reviewer list. I can
see if there is a way to directly import, but I worry that we get
people who don't want to review that way...



On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 8:26 AM, Susanna Paasonen
<susanna.paasonen at helsinki.fi> wrote:
> Dear all,
> My warmest thanks to all of you who have enrolled as reviewers for the IR
> 10.0 conference. As the submission deadline is drawing closer (next Monday,
> to be exact), I would like to invite as many of you as possible to consider
> taking up the task (by registering at
> http://ocs.sfu.ca/aoir/index.php/ir/10/user/account). The broader pool of
> reviewers we have, the better chances we have of ensuring expert opinion on
> all papers. Given the fundamentally interdisciplinary nature of aoir as a
> scholarly community, this is by no means a minor issue. Your input is
> greatly appreciated.
> with all best,
> Susanna
> Susanna Paasonen
> Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
> Program Chair / IR 10.0
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