[Air-L] Does Comm Sci notice the internet?

Tim Stephen stephen at albany.edu
Thu Feb 12 07:09:51 PST 2009

A colleague forwarded a portion of a thread of a recent  air-l discussion regarding 
frequency of Internet-related publication in journals of the communication discipline.  I'm 
just hopping on air-l long enough to send this along as I thought possibly the numbers 
below might be relevant in the context of this issue.  Apologies if they're off point.  The 
table that follows is a list of the number of papers each communication journal has ever 
published that were coded with keywords "cmc" or "web", or "internet" for 29 of the 100+ 
communication journals covered in ComAbstracts.  This 29 journal subset was 
selected because these happened to strike me yesterday morning as having greater 
face-relevance to the question of which outlets are handling the greater flow of 
Internet-related research papers in the communication field. 

The number in parentheses following the journal name is the prestige rank of each 
journal (lower number, higher prestige) based on the correlation between 
communication doctoral program faculty's accumulated record of publication in each 
journal and the program's accumulated prestige/reputation rankings summed across 
the nine areas covered in the 2004 NCA study of doctoral program reputation.  Journals 
without rankings had summed correlations at or below zero with perceptions of doctoral 
program prestige/reputation.

    Data are from ComAbstracts, ComVista, and ComAnalytics

Best wishes,

Tim Stephen
Department of Communication, University at Albany (SUNY) &

n of
papers|Journal Name (journal prestige rank)

310 | Journal of Computer Mediated Communication (not rated)
146 | Information Communication & Society  (53)
134 | Electronic Journal of Communication  (47)
  67 | Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly (28)
  58 | Canadian Journal of Communication (43)
  52 | Convergence
  51 | Journal of Communication    (2)
  47 | Communication Research      (5)
  35 | Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media (30)
  27 | Political Communication      (12)
  26 | Human Communication Research (1)
  25 | Critical Studies in Media Communication (20)
  23 | European Journal of Communication
  22 | Asian Journal of Communication  (37)
  20 | Public Opinion Quarterly  (46)
  16 | Media Psychology
  15 | Mass Communication and Society (41)
  14 | Communication Yearbook   (4)
  14 | Communication Quarterly  (11)
  12 | Management Communication Quarterly (16)
  11 | Southern Communication Journal (44)
  10 | Communication Monographs   (3)
  10 | Western Communication Journal (7)
   9 | Journal of Applied Communication (6)
   9 | Television and New Media  (29)
   8 | Nordicom Review    (not rated)
   5 | Visual Communication
   3 | Communication Theory   (18)
   1 | Quarterly Journal of Speech  (14)

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