[Air-L] AoIR 10

Matthew Allen M.Allen at exchange.curtin.edu.au
Fri Feb 13 13:04:34 PST 2009

Slip and Slide?
I am SO there !!!!
Dr Matthew Allen
Associate Professor and Head of Department, Internet Studies
School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts
Curtin University of Technology, CRICOS 00301J Australia
m.allen at curtin.edu.au
http://netstudies.curtin.edu.au <http://netstudies.curtin.edu.au/> 
+61 8 92663511 (v) +61 8 9266 3166 (f)
Immediate Past President, Association of Internet Researchers http://www.aoir.org <https://email.curtin.edu.au/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.aoir.org/>  


From: air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org on behalf of Elizabeth A Buchanan
Sent: Sat 14/02/2009 2:05 AM
To: air-l
Subject: [Air-L] AoIR 10

Dear Colleagues,

With the deadline quickly approaching for submissions to the big AoIR 10 conference celebration, let me suggest a few more reasons to submit and attend:

1. Brewery tours
2. Indoor Water park at the Hilton (yes, see all of your favorite aoir regulars on the slip n' slides)
3. Conference banquet at the cool new Harley-Davidson museum, with great Milwaukee food and drink, featuring a panel of past aoir conference chairs
4. Great keynotes and papers
5. Doc Colloquium and exciting pre-conference opportunities
6. The Santiago Calatrava-designed Milwaukee Art Museum on the shores of Lake Michigan
7. Did we mention brewery tours?



Elizabeth A. Buchanan, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Information Policy Research
School of Information Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Visiting Fellow
National Center for e-Social Science
Oxford e-Social Science Node
University of Oxford

Local Co-Chair
Association of Internet Researchers 10th Annual Conference
8-11 October 2009
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
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