[Air-L] [CFP] Learn, Teach and Play in 3D Virtual Worlds

Jimmy Ang cf559 at soi.city.ac.uk
Wed Feb 4 07:00:16 PST 2009

[CFP] Learn, Teach and Play in 3D Virtual Worlds
in Second Life and City University London

We are running a one-day seminar on the topic of "Learn, Teach and
Play in 3D Virtual Worlds" and we are inviting you to join us in this
exciting event! We welcome teachers, students, educational
technologists, researchers, and anyone interested in 3D virtual worlds
and games. We welcome you to showcase your virtual world projects
(e.g. education, virtual museum, etc), to present your research
findings, or simply to voice your opinions about it.
Time and place
•	the seminar (whole day, 18 March 2009) will be face to face meeting
at City University London (time and room will be announced later).

Types of participation
•	If you are interested in attending this event, please send in a
short bio (50-100 words) to us.
•	If you are interested in showcasing your project, please send in a
short bio (50-100 words) and a short description of the project
(around 300 words)
•	If you are interested in presenting your research findings, please
send in a short bio (50-100 words) and an abstract of the study
(around 300 words)

We are not just looking for presentations but participatory formats to
share and debate. Thus, we welcome ideas of other types of
participations. Please submit a proposal (around 300 words) to let us
know what you would like to discuss, how you think we could best
exchange ideas in this event and the anticipated outputs.

In addition, a virtual meeting (in Second Life) will take place a day
before the face to face event and everyone is welcome. Further
information of the virtual event will be announced shortly.

Please register the event at http://learnteachandplay.eventbrite.com/
If you have further enquiries please do not hesitate to contact Ulrike
Pfeil (U.Pfeil-1 at city.ac.uk)

Hope to see you there.
Jim Ang, City University London
Panayiotis Zapihris, City University London
David White, Oxford University
Steven Warburton, King's College
Palitha Edirisingha, University of Leicester

This event is sponsored by JISC EMERGE http://elgg.jiscemerge.org.uk/

(Jim) Chee Siang Ang

Research Fellow
Room A210
Centre of Human-computer Interaction Design
City University London EC1V 0HB
Phone: +44 (0)20 7040 8166
Fax: +44 (0)20 7040 8859
Web: http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~cf559/

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