[Air-L] Offering data, bibliography, discussion on corporate & institutional blogging

Cornelius Puschmann cornelius.puschmann at uni-duesseldorf.de
Sun Feb 1 08:11:31 PST 2009

Dear colleagues,

I have recently completed my PhD in English Linguistics at the University of
Düsseldorf, Germany, with a dissertation on corporate blogging (full title:
"The corporate blog as an emerging genre of computer-mediated
communication"). My focus was on linguistic pragmatics, but I would describe
my work as strongly interdisciplinary. In the course of my research I have
created a fully POS-tagged corpus (8 mio tokens) of company blog texts, most
of them from U.S. companies. The corpus is stored in a MySQL database and
could be exported to XML without serious difficulties.

*Would any of you be interested in the dataset and perhaps in the
bibliography that I have assembled? *

In a nascent field such as blog research I believe that everyone benefits
from sharing data. I'm also an advocate of the Open Access & Open Data
movement ( http://www.berlin6.org/?page_id=73 ) and therefore a strong
supporter of openly sharing research results. Not all of the corpus data was
actually used in the thesis, largely because I focused more on theoretical
issues in the end, but I think it could still be quite useful.

In case you are interested in my findings, do not hesitate to contact me. If
you are also looking into blogging, specifically in corporate or
organizational contexts, do let me know so we can have a chat at IR 10.

Best from Düsseldorf,

Dr. des. Cornelius Puschmann, M.A.

Department of English Language and Linguistics / University of Düsseldorf,
University Library Center (hbz), Cologne, Germany

+49 211 8115927 (office)
+49 211 13956684 (home)
+49 176 81178067 (mobile)


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